God's Anointed People Ministries (GAPM) provides distinctive opportunities for women to intensify their faith, cultivate their God-given talents, and disciple others by the following: Bible study ministry meetings and Bible study small groups. Prayer group meetings and studies on prayer and other spiritual warfare. Supports and make available Christian literature through the GAPM website and become a member of the GAPM book club. Assists women in discerning their spiritual gifts while empowering them to participate while developing their gifts and use their spiritual gifts through leadership volunteering. Promotes and educate women about stewardship of time, gifts, and wealth. Provides opportunities for women to share their faith stories with each other; to witness and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Provides opportunities for building close relationships among women across generations, ethnic groupings and economic status and to mentor each other through “Seasons of the Lives of Women to; develop prayer partners and other intentional relationships. Offers opportunities for women to explore issues of work-life balance, financial management, health concerns and healthy lifestyles, family and parenting skills, coping with life transitions, caretaking for loved ones, etc., from a faith perspective.