When John Newton, a former notorious slave trader, wrote the stirring words…
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see…
…he wrote them as words for a song. We at God's Anointed People Ministries regard these same words as a prayer: a prayer of gratitude for what a gracious, loving God is doing in all our lives.
Consider these thoughts on prayer from Rev R.L. Woodberry…
I have learned many things in more than 20 years in ministering to the needy.
One of them is the necessity of living and working in constant prayer.
When you live and work surrounded by such enormous human misery, you quickly learn that only when you rely on God’s mercy and power can you ever bring relief to the hungry and hurting. Each day I’m
increasingly aware of how much I depend on your prayers to help turn
the tide in our fight against hunger and hopelessness.
And as you pray for me, I also want to pray for you. . . for your
needs . . . your concerns . . . your loved ones. . . and for any special
requests you would like to share.
Please pray for Rev. Woodberry and the entire God's Anointed People Ministries staff – and know they pray for you.
Let Us Know How You Will Help!