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Statement of Faith

We believe that the 66 books of the Bible is God's written revelation to man. We believe that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, using the personalities and abilities of the original authors, so that every word is the Word of God and is absolutely true and infallible in everything that it contains. The Bible is the sole authority for our lives and in it God's people can find everything they need for faith and life.

We believe that God exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons of the Trinity are co-equal in eternal essence and existence, yet serve in unique functions. Jesus Christ is God the Son who became flesh. Though existing from eternity past, Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit through the miraculous conception within the Virgin Mary. Jesus was born, lived His life as explained in the Gospels, and died the sacrificial death on the cross for mankind's sins. His death satisfied the righteous wrath of God so that by His blood mankind can be atoned for. His death redeemed us from sin, the power of sin, and the punishment of sin. His righteous life is imputed to us and we stand solely upon the merits of Christ before God. One day the Lord Jesus will return for His people and establish His righteous kingdom and we serve and worship Him throughout eternity.

The Church is the body of Christ here upon the earth. It is comprised of all believers in all ages who called upon Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. These believers have been adopted by God into His family and are united in purpose as well as destiny. Through the church, the Lord mediates His will and is His pillar of truth in the world today. Through the church the gospel is proclaimed and His people are discipled. The overall purposes of the church are to worship God, instruct people in God's Word, sharpen one another through fellowship, evangelize the lost, and serve one another and the world.

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  • Address: P.O. Box 8008, Phoenix, AZ 85066
  • Telephone: (602) 454-1533